Join Us for a Town Hall Meeting
Join Councilmember Steve Brandau for a Town Hall meeting to discuss the status of the Veterans Boulevard Project.
Mayor Lee Brand, City Manager Bruce Rudd, Public Works Director Scott Mozier and Tony Borden, executive director of the Fresno Council of Governments, will also be present to answer any questions you may have.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 29
TIME: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Herndon-Barstow Elementary Cafeteria
6265 N. Grantland Ave.
Call Councilmember Brandau’s office at (559) 621-7820 or email for details.
About the Project
In 1984, the Fresno General Plan first introduced the potential need for Veterans Boulevard to serve the local community along State Route 99. State Route 99 is a four-lane freeway (two mixed flow lanes in each direction) throughout the project limits. State Route 99 is part of the California Freeway and Expressway System stretching almost the entire length of the Central Valley. Veterans Boulevard was to serve as a north-south “super” arterial to serve planned land uses in north Fresno.
The interchange would provide additional north-south access from State Route 99 between the Shaw Avenue and Herndon Avenue interchanges.
This idea was refined in 1986 with a feasibility study conducted to analyze potential interchange/grade separation configurations, with the intention of determining the alternative best suited to the site and the proposed Veterans Boulevard. In 1991 a Project Initiation Document was completed, and in 1996 the official plan line for Veterans Boulevard was adopted. Most recently, a project study report was completed to design the preliminary engineering as well as to determine how various alternatives might best serve the community.
Veterans Boulevard and the proposed interchange with State Route 99 are identified as part of the circulation system in both the City of Fresno and Fresno County general plans.

Purpose and Need
The purpose of the Veterans Boulevard is to improve accessibility to State Route 99 and circulation to roads adjacent to the proposed interchanges in northwestern Fresno. It would also provide congestion relief and improve traffic flow in northwest Fresno. Enhance the local circulation network that would accommodate local development and provide consistency with existing and planned local and regional development.